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What Are You Resisting?

๐ŸŒˆ Abstract

The article discusses the concept of resistance and how it can be counterproductive in our lives. It explores various examples of resistance, such as avoiding difficult tasks, holding onto the past, and resisting change. The author emphasizes that resistance often leads to more problems in the long run and encourages readers to face their challenges head-on.

๐Ÿ™‹ Q&A

[01] Resistance in Daily Life

1. What are some examples of resistance discussed in the article?

  • The author's children resisting doing the dishes
  • The author and their spouse resisting going through the belongings of the author's deceased in-laws
  • The author resisting writing and seeing themselves as a writer

2. How does the article suggest overcoming resistance?

  • Identifying areas of resistance in your life
  • Establishing new rituals and routines to make difficult tasks easier
  • Minimizing friction by making it easier to do the things you're resisting

3. What is the key message about resistance in the article?

  • Resistance is often futile and can lead to more problems in the long run
  • Facing challenges head-on, rather than resisting, can be transformative
  • Letting go of resistance can unlock new possibilities and perspectives

[02] Overcoming Resistance

1. What examples does the article provide of overcoming resistance?

  • The author's spouse and children eventually taking over household tasks like doing the dishes
  • The author and their spouse eventually tackling the task of clearing out their in-laws' home
  • The author overcoming their resistance to writing and becoming a writer

2. How does the article suggest turning resistance into freedom?

  • Redefining how you see yourself, rather than being defined by what you "can't" do
  • Recognizing when resistance is an end in itself, rather than serving a purpose
  • Making conscious changes to reduce friction and establish new habits

3. What is the overall message about the benefits of overcoming resistance?

  • Overcoming resistance can be transformative, unlocking new possibilities and perspectives
  • It allows you to meet challenges on your own terms, rather than being defined by what you resist
  • Letting go of resistance can free up mental and emotional energy to apply to other areas of life
Shared by Daniel Chen ยท
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